Welcome VIP Guests!
Our Ambassador and VIP Guest program provides our members with the opportunity to become an Ambassador of the NSA Mountain West Chapter
Our Chapter Members have been given permission from the association to invite their VIP Guests that are interested in the NSA to one of our chapter meetings - after our dinner segment. VIP's that wish to experience the entire event will need to visit the Events Page, select the event they would like to attend and purchase a guest ticket for $50. But, if you just want to get a feel for what the NSA is all about and would like to experience part of one of our amazing Professional Guest Speakers - The VIP Guest pass is your ticket.
Members can invite their VIP Guest to ONE, and only one, of our events. Their ticket will admit them at 6:30 pm following our dinner. VIP's must check in with their VIP Guest Card at our reception table outside of the main event room between 6:15 pm and 6:30 pm. From 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, our VIP Guests will be able to experience the amazing programming we have for our chapter members. The mission of NSAMW is to empower our chapter members with the tools, techniques and passion to become better, more successful professional speakers.
Membership in the NSAMW will unlock our "Members Only Archive" with YEARS of these events that have been videoed and loaded into our archive. Everything you need to know to avoid the costly learning-curve involved in becoming a professional speaker is in this archive. From how to produce a killer Keynote to mastering Linked-In for lead generation. Each month we invite another profession expert speaker to teach us ways to improve our craft and make more money doing it.
We also have a few unique events each year that are game changers.
1. Get Paid to Speak event: this event is loaded with 12 to 15 professionals that are getting paid to speak. They take 12 minutes to provide insights they believe will help YOU get paid to speak.
2. StoryJam: StoryJam is the NSA's national storytelling competition that was actually born in the NSAMW chapter in 2022. Mike Brian, the President-Elect at the time conceived the StoryJam and we held our first one in February of 2023. NSA National adopted our program and scaled it to a National Level. Each year Chapter StoryJam Champions advance to a Regional Competition. Three Regional StoryJam champions advance to Nationals, which happen on the coveted MainStage during Influence - the National Conference held in the summer each year.
We also have additional events that bring amazing value to our members.
For more information, please email admin@nsamountainwest.org and our Chapter Admin will connect you to the right person to get all of your questions answered.