The Loveless Award
The Loveless Award was created in 2001 by the National Speakers Association, Mountain West Chapter to recognize annually an outstanding professional speaker who demonstrates “Excellence, Dedication and Service” to others in the professional speaking industry.
Created by Clive Buchanan, President of the chapter from 2000-2001, the award was named after Kathy Loveless, MS, CSP for her continuous service to the Mountain West Chapter of NSA and to others in the speaking profession, and for her success as an international professional speaker.
Kathy served twice as chapter President, served continuously on the board or as an officer for 18 years, chaired four Speakers Schools, three Speakers Showcases and served in numerous capacities for the National Speakers Association, including speaking more than 40 times at NSA conventions and serving as Chair of the NSA First Timer’s Program.

NSA Mountain West | Loveless Award Recipients
2022 Loveless Award Recipient

Mike Brian CVP, CVH
Mike Brian began his marketing and communications career in 1987. As an owner of Penna Powers, a leading Marketing, Advertising and Communications Agency in Utah for over 20 years, he cultivated an expertise in strategic planning, marketing and the art of delivering powerful leadership presentations. He has helped hundreds of companies and thousands of executives connect with their audiences better and with more impact.
Mike is also a proud nerd. He help our chapter pivot to virtual faster than any chapter in the country. Bring his own equipment to the table to make our events accessible not only during the pandemic, but ongoing for our members in our outlying states. Not only does this save the chapter thousands of dollars, it expands the reach of our amazing events to our entire chapter spanning the Mountian West.
Mike is a gadget guy and is usually the person running into the fire with some kind of tool to fix it. Our 2022-23 President Elect, Mike will be working hard to line up an amazing year of speakers and mentor for our chapter in 2023-2024.
Mike will retire from Penna Powers in December 2022 and move full-time as a speaker, coach and leadership trainer.