David Avrin
Stop waiting for the phone to ring!
How to emerge from the pandemic stronger by going after the gigs you want.
Here is the uncomfortable truth: Most speakers starve. Making money as a paid speaker is NOT about: Following your passion, living your truth, sharing your authentic self, lighting someone's fire, making a difference to just one person... Blah, blah, blah...
Getting hired (and paid) to speak, IS ABOUT using your knowledge, passion, skills and experience to solve a problem an organization is willing to pay to solve…and then marketing the heck out it! (If you follow your passion and speak your truth as well…all the better!)
In this candid, no-holds-barred session, successful international speaker, David Avrin CSP, Global Speaking Fellow, will share some hard truths and outbound marketing, sales strategies and tactics his team uses to pitch him to organizations and meeting planners around the world. From researching lists and crafting pitch letters, to CRM systems, virtual staff and strategic follow-up, David will show you how he and his team survived the downturn and work to fill his calendar with paid speaking gigs.
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